~ two

The wheels of her truck giving off the dust of its age ...
The strange thing about the patient we know, now driving her truck, is that she never sees anything past the period she came from, the world never changes.

For the director and actor ~

She doesn't see the hovercars above, she doesn't see a fractured world.  Her psychology keeps her frozen with her trauma in time.  Never a vampire, her tragedy is far worse.

Held in place and time to never move on, once she may have been incapable.  But now ... with centuries passed she's come to understand this.  That if ever she did let that pain go, she'd very likely die on the spot.

She knows she's left Midwich, but she also knows she never will and so it's all that she sees.  As the worlds blend in her eyes, it was always her.  So many questions can be asked of what it all means, why this and what, it means this.

It means her.

At some point in history she did manage to plate the truck, lining it well with the construction cargo passing the roads.
The back a smooth paneling slotted at inside eye level, one may wonder if it's a banking truck as well but again, that dust pouring out from the underside and hubs.  

Most who really think about it would settle on it being a truck from one of the mining stones, those who pass on wheels giving it berth.  She blows the cop a horn and a wave, then a smile to the cat.

Yeah.  Must be a security truck from the mining colonies with all that dust.  If there's a stone in these worlds which rains, she surely has not seen it.
He's cracked the case.
A wave out the window passing as ahead the arms connect between the drifting stones, the tunnels through which these highways travel.

Alley - "In and out untracedThat would be a road trip.  My God I so need a road trip right now.  If you want to trap your angels it will funnel them into predictable routes."

Mary - "You know I kind of actually like having psychotic guardian angels.  I mean seriously.  Points."

Parasol - "Agreed."

Geneva - Stares at her a moment ... "I know what you are, and I know all about your father."

Mary - "Holy shit and it's a tell all too.  She won't say a word to me."

Parasol - "It's our only argument."

Mary - "Literally the only one."

Alley - "That's sickening you've been together like two weeks.  Read a paper.  Anyhoo ... I'm literally the queen of road trips."

Nunya - Unseen, "You could use one too."

Geneva - Looks at her speaking with her mind, "You know what I have to do."

Nunya - Backing away into the shadows with that look on her face from the pub, "No.  You don't."  Among the shadows the armors watch.
A glance to the armor closest to Nunya with and extra grin before turning back to the rest, Alley going over the map of interconnecting stones and their timetables.

Alley - "And it's way less patrolled than the skies.  No one goes down there but construction and poor patrol.  Period.  And road trips.  I have a car.  Road trip goddess.  Me."

Michael - Throws down the headset, "Jesus fuck."

Mary - "Told ya we'd need the cars.  I'm coming with you know."

Micheal - "Who watches the baby ?"

They turn to the room showing the edge of a crib as horror music bangs and screams pour out.

Mary - "You.  Come on ... I'm on this team, and everything Tzadkiel can do, I can back.  And you know.  Faster."

A look ...

Mary - "It's my turn so it's either you, or it's a babysitter."

They all burst out laughing.

Micheal - All sad ... "Well ... what if you need the ... "

Mary - "It's like one tiny goth guy.  Now quit trying to keep me cooking at home, and let me take the gig !  He stops time, I will literally walk up to motherfuckers and pow pow pow.  I'm also the best shooter."


Michael - "I'm not trying to keep you at home like that."

Mary - "You sure ?"


Michael - "Yeah.  I just don't want to leave my team.  And you're right.  You have mastered burgers."

Mary - Smiles ... "Thank you."

Michael - Grinning before kissing her, "Pow pow pow."

Mary - "Pow pow pow."

The patient blows the horn passing another trucker, Alley voiced over. 
"Now these, are the trucker routes.  Ya gotta fuck a trucker to get them."  Very proud of herself (and drunk).  "Because truckers, are the only people, who know how to get anywhere in all the stones, without ever, having to stop." 

She laughs maniacally
... "Ohhh .... I need a drink."


~ in the dark after the credits ~

Mary - "Are you serious ?  It's like a fucking lab down here."
Parasol - "This is really cool, what the hell is it ?"

Alley - "Panel press.  It stamps holes for rivets."

Geneva - "Some of us can't see in the dark."

Mary - "Pansy."

Alley - "More like one of you, may want to fix that before we face this whatever guy, thing or whatever."

The lights come on and so it is, the car tarped over in the middle, well fitted over a fairly large frame.  The panel press really is kinda cool.

Alley - Carrying a glass of very red, looks diluted with vodka.  "No one's ever even been down here.  My friends just assumed a mechanic worked on the cars, and to honest ... the dead ex really was that stupid."  She takes a sip.  "Mm."

Mary - "So whatcha got ?"

Alley, "heh ... "  Sips and pulls off the tarp back to black.