Obscurities III

The Archive ~
part three notes

A Windows98 screen pops up with writing being typed :

"Lucretia : Lucretia. Wake up!"

"Lucretia : no..."

"Lucretia : Lucretia! You Have to wake up now. It's time for the next part!"

"Lucretia : Go away!"

"Lucretia : fine. I'll just have to start without you."

"Lucretia : whatever..."

('She Bop' by Cyndi Lauper)

Lucretia still curled in a ball ~

Red lights go off on the mining ships (which nearly appear as fleas with cutting and grabbing arms dangling from large engines) evacuation warning as the miners leap to readiness (after last night ...) and clear out.

Her ship is embedded in the side of a crater's mountain, created by a fragmentary meteoroid impact. All is desolate with a misty atmosphere, not appearing breathable. A landing gear kicks out, freeing the ship to bounce and roll down the mountainside.

The mining ships drift toward the wreckage of military craft, the last of their pods ejecting.

The ship stops rolling and rights itself on it's gears as a platform drops down in the back. Inside construction vehicle lights come on and Lazarus drives out, hitting a bump and waking one of the smaller robots in the back, 12 of them all rusted with age. The awakened returning to sleep.

As a truck Lazarus is strictly utilitarian and not made to disguise, but function. Essentially he just stands up (a bit like an old man), dropping the drowsy workers in a pile as they fall from his arms (previously their benches in the back of the truck).

He has no head, but a small empty room embedded where a neck would be under more of an airplane's cockpit. The workers range a bit taller than a tall human, appearing old wrought iron and stout.

He stretches cracking off the rust while the workers pry open panels on his legs. They pull out molds which appear to be for more of them, their joints and parts. In the background the mining vessels start to arrive through the mist with massive chunks of metal.

The workers start shaving off chunks and using beams to melt them directly over the mold bottoms and casting them (inferring with the frost build up that in this environment it cools quickly).

Among the fleet one of the few remaining armed heavy craft turns its guns to a mining ship, while from behind two more come and tear off the guns, bringing them toward the rock.

Red lights begin flashing among the preservation ships. In one, as his colleagues flee a zoologist looks back at a sad looking giraffe. He looks back as the last pods are leaving, puts on a breather and heads back toward the animal enclosures.

At this point there are many metal workers making many more as some begin to build the dome around the crater peaks. Others start making larger workers to move the heavy hexagonal plates being used.

All are made shoving and slamming the pieces over joints while Lazarus injects a chip from a revolving canister on his wrist and they get to work.

The preservation ships begin to arrive. The giraffe watches with great concern as from the glass dome of the ship at the back of the fleet. The zoologist is joined by a another, also wearing a breather. She walks up behind him as he watches from the cockpit, taking his hand.

By the time they land a rudimentary structure is forming, a dome with an outer city (vaguely like a junkyard) for docking and various structures along the inner ring of the crater, apparently keeping the center clear.

Workers fill the dome with construction as more metal arrives. As inner structures approach completion the workers themselves begin forming them with their bodies while Lazarus removes their chips with his wrist. Others start packing molds back into his legs, tripping after him while he walks.

The mining ships drop the two guns ripped from the ship in front of Lazarus. He slams them to his arms and nods with approval before welding them on and wiring. When done he blasts a chunk out of the crate side, looks at the workers and points.

They run over and begin building a gate to the docks. When completed they jump on as he leans back down onto his wheels and drives after Lucretia's ship, as it's walking toward the center on it's stubby landing gears.

He drives in and the light go out with the closing ramp. The ship digs with its cutting beams, pushing with it's landing gear legs and works it's way underground, sand falling over behind it closing the hole.


~ credits ~

The opening scene with the asteroid strike, recreated with grey aliens (fifties UFOs) on the dark side of the moon, before it cracks.