In church full of hoodlums, the preacher's garb takes the pulpit ~

Preacher - "Good morning, my children.  Good morning and welcome, to the House of God.  Now let me tell you what's pissing me off today.  I go outside ... and I see these people."

"I see them and I can see it, with mine own eyes.  I can see it in theirs.  The problem with some of these peoples today.

"Their bitchery ...

"Is intrinsic.

"Now maybe their daddy was a bitch, their mother a ho, I don't know.  But what I see outside out there, outside our new vaulted doors, Replaced after notorious robbery, Praise be to the angels for for seeing it done.

"And for Striking the Fear of God into those who would bear down upon us, in the House of God.  We give thanks."

~ The brothers nod back arms crossed while Mary tries to knit.

"But what I see outside, those Beautiful doors, is an ever increasing number of people, with no respect.

"No Respect for themselves.  For each other.  God.  You.  Me.  Other bitches like themselves, their own bitch ass daddy nor even their dirty ass ... HO of a mother I go outside and I see no respect at all.

"Their bitchery.  

"Is intrinsic."

~ Nods all around.

"And so we Mourn the sickly souls of these sad motherfuckers, Lord have mercy for the devil has none, and we forgive them, their trespasses, against us !

"For Bitchery IS ...

"As Bitchery does ...

"And Bitches they shall always be.  Amen.  Hallelujah.  Beer and barbecue out back with some soda for the kids, along with that wine for the blood and Sweet unleavened bread for the body, baked once again by our very own Mrs Ramsey, let's hear it.  Amen.

"Now none of that's cheap so let's keep the collections flowing, you God forsaken yet now forgiven hoodlums, and Sachiel I Know you did not just try to donate one of your pigs."

~ Everyone looks at him ... 

Satch - "Ah ... "
~ X O ~

They file out the door and to the back where the pyre burns full of food, drinks lined up, the people arrive to it and the celebrations begin.  
Watching high from the skyscraper looming over the tiny chapel, Gabrielle misses them before taking flight over the city as it turns.  Through the credits the cracks in the land seen now made by the constant changes, buildings fall over the edges in her flight as the world moves to forget them.

The people never seem aware of any changes around them, buffering in changed minds and forgetfulness as she flies over unseen in a gust of wind while ahead the tower twists awaiting her.

Formalda walks the tube from the plane to the sign waiting her name.  A nod to the driver and off to the car.

~ In the office.

Formalda - "The deal was completed but we don't know what happened to him, only that it didn't involve us.  If we'd been notified he required extra security it certainly would have been provided but the house was your own, and I am very sorry."

Man at the desk - Wearing a pale suit as seen in Connection 1 - "Clue ?"

Formalda - "A man walked into the house and killed everyone."
Man at the desk - "Footage ?"
Formalda - "Static."
Man at the desk - "And I understand it is you who are here now, because your employer is deceased as well.  But to be clear, the cargo was already received, yes ?"
Formalda - "Moved and clear, already on the streets.  And yes, he was assassinated.  One shot through the window.  Gunblade.  All we know."
Man at the desk - "Gun ... blade ... "  A smile.

Formalda - "It was in the lead investigator's final report before his own death.  Trajectory traced to a wedge in the rooftop stone he fired from.  Phosphorous coat, it melted straight through the glass.  Cuts on the villa's security team confirm the blade type."

Man at the desk - "I do not know of this investigator, but I did not care for these other men.  Personally.  Their troubles were too many and always their own.  Yet somehow always mine.  I prefer this not the case, with you."
Formalda - "I won't let you down.  I'm honestly very boring.  And thank you."
Man at the desk - A laugh ... "I do not hold your agency accountable.  But I leave you departing back home with this.  He mentioned someone.  They both did."

Long gated steps to the farmhouse, another poker night in the window, the mortician Tzadkiel.  Storming rain perfectly in the dark for an undertaker walking, lanky and bent like the scythe itself.

Inside Satch holds Michael high on the wall by his throat, Sam and Nails hanging off his arms, Mary on his shoulders hitting him with a skillet.

Michael - "I fucking didn't !"

Satch - "Why is it always you !?"

Tzadkiel - At the open door with obligatory lightning, "Avoiding the topic again are we ?"

Sam - "Oh for fuck sake." 

Satch - Turns as they all drop him, "You made how you feel pretty goddamn clear.  So what the fuck you need here, dead man walking."

Tzadkiel - "You know why I'm here."

Satch - "I may know what the fuck you're thinking behind both your two faces but I still don't know why you came here to think it."

Michael - "Just say it."

Nails - "Go ahead !"


Tzadkiel - "Are we done."

Satch - "Nope."

Michael - "Not even fucking close."

Nails - "Gonna weld you."

Satch - "Chainsaws ... "

Sam - "I ... guess I should probably shoot you a couple of times so I don't feel left out ?"

Tzadkiel - "She must die."

Satch draws while Michael swings and nails pulls his blade, Tzadkiel waves his hand, they slow.  

Tzadkiel - "You may be death itself but the afterlife is timeless.  And the rest to be his host, facilitating and hiding death's crimes against the world.  Rampant evils you've become while I ... "

Gets hit in the head with a skillet, the brothers fall from their imbalanced freeze, Tzadkiel turns to see Mary.

Tzadkiel - Bent in pain, he turns to her ... "You !"

Mary - "So !?"

Hits him again, to black.

Nunya - Digging through outfits while on the phone, "No.  Got a date tonight."  ...  "Cowboy boots." ...  "Honestly I'm just kind of indulging him at this point."  ...  

"Yeah I know that doesn't make them go away, haven't decided if I want him to yet."  ...  "Whatever he's an easy booty call."  ...  "Mm-hm.  Nice.  So how was your meeting ?"

"The whole fucking department !?"  ...  "Another one !?  Holy fuck you are taking me out when you get home.  Packing boomstick ?  You just turned up 'important style'."  ...  "You'd think he'd have flown you in private ... "

"Well.  Get thee to the gunnery !"  ... sighs ... "I don't know man, hang on."  

She walks to her desk and pulls up randoms on the computer til found.  "Um.  I think you should have diplomatic immunity ... did he verify your status ?"  ...  "Vague motherfucker ... hang on I'm stalking you."

She goes to another computer and starts pulling up feeds ... "Meet me on the corner of sixth and twelfth.  Payphone." ... ... ... "Seriously.  Okay got you ... Identified and ... yes.  DI cleared for cannons."

"Whoa.  And you're now also rich as fuck now.  Your credit rating just went insane so I'm ... taking a grand out for my services.  You can afford it."

"What !?"

"Ohhh you will pay ... "

"Yeah.  When you get home.  I'm off to drink all your money and maybe get laid now.  Nice.  I'm going to specifically ask him to leave them on, see it in your head."  ...  "Yeahhh ... bye bye love you."  Hangs up, looks in the mirror now dressed.  "Bitch doesn't deserve me."

(song deleted)

Formalda hangs up walking past an alleyway churning to a location where Gabrielle stands watching, then another turn and she's gone.

Formalda stops, lights a smoke and stands in thought ... behind a distance, conspicuous suits follow.  One by one pulled away while she smokes distantly, decompressing ... through a solid bit of the song, twelve suits matched in black.

Gabrielle - Standing behind her in a black suit, "You were followed again."

Formalda - "And ?"

Gabrielle - "Not anymore."

Formalda - Throws down the smoke, "Did you happen to get one of their guns ?"

Gabrielle - "Of course !  Will you keep your end of the bargain, in the end ?"

Formalda - "The plan remains.  The seals will be broken when we have the components to sacrifice and then you are as you are."

Gabrielle - "And then all Hell breaks loose."

Formalda - A smile, "Hmm."  Turns holding the pistol alone, checks and stashes, pulls her phone.  "Yeah me again.  You still at home ?  Mm-hm"  ...  "I'm sure it'll be quite the masterpiece."  ...  "Fucking whore." 

... bursts out laughing ... 

"Okay okay, just sh.  I got a name for you."  ...  "Oh my god just ... fine.  Just ... no more dings."  ...  "Yeah I actually miss the space truck you never borrowed it."  ...  "Wow.  I'm totally buying you one just like it when I get home."

"That's right."  ...  "Mm-hm.  With racing stripes."