~ two

Tzadkiel - Tied in the corner, the brothers standing over, pissed.  "She's an abomination.  You know it must be done.  You know it."

Michael - "Well I just saw her."

Tzadkiel - "And what did you see 'her' doing, Michael ?"

Michael - "Delivering justice."

Tzadkiel - "Is that what you think ?"

Satch - "Protecting the family.  What would you know."

Tzadkiel - "How nice.  From what ?"

Nails - "From ourselves.  He's right."

Satch - "Fuck you."

Nails - "I'm just saying ... he's the one who's got to bury them."


Satch - "Fuck you."

Nails - "Sam.  Come on.  You know."

Sam - "Fuck you leave me out of this, I don't know shit."

Tzadkiel - Stares ... "I cannot do it alone."

Michael - "Then you can hire a fucking army because it's not going to be us."


Nails - "No.  It's too many.  Too many dead.  Streets are talking man ... she was never like this we gotta at least talk to her.  See what the fucks happening you know ?  I just wanna see her.  I want it all ... like ... "

Michael - "It's not going to happen.  At least not like it was.  It's not.  God's gone.  The family's broken.  And ... she's something else now.  Fucking wings.  And the bodies I saw ... I don't even kill like that.

"But when I saw her ... it was still her.  You're all fucking right, and you're all fucking wrong.  Maybe she does need to die.  Maybe we all do because when I looked at her I saw my death.  All of our deaths.

"That's what he made her for.  And she can.  But she's got the right to speak her mind first, and she didn't kill me when she had the chance."

Tzadkiel -  "You're a fool.  She's in the devil's hands now.  Playing you the fool just as the devil wouldStrike her down.  Because Anael is right.  I do bury her great many dead, all day long.  Every single day.

"Unlike yours secreted away to the bowels of foulest of beasts."

Satch - "Yeah and you take their family's money for digging your own fucking holeBackstabbing scumbag and now you're gonna talk shit about my pigs ?"

He swings as time slows again.  

Tzadkiel struggles in his ropes unable to move in the chair enough to dodge it entirely, tied well.  Fist slowly approaching ... a sigh.  

Mary - Watching amused and unaffected, "Hilarious."

Tzadkiel - A look ... "Fucking heathens."  Annoyed he positions his jaw for the hit and lets it fly, to black again.

They watch as Tzadkiel walks away into the night, noting the storm over him, Satch shakes his head.  Samael and Anael go back in, Mary watches Tzadkiel.

Michael - "I didn't cheat."


Satch - "If she hurts you I'm gonna cut her."

He turns back in, they watch Tzadkiel walking ... one with the angry clouds, the smoke from his pipe engulfing him gone.  Michael checks his phone.

Mary - "He's ... like the worst buzzkill ever.  Wanna go somewhere ?"


Michael - "Yeah.  He really really is.  ...  Yeah let's get the fuck out of here, I got a name."

Man behind the desk - "And did you procure one of their weapons ?"

Formalda - "I did."  She places it on the desk.

Man behind the desk - "Used it since ?"

Formalda - "I have."

He checks it, drops the clip and thumbs a bullet out, checking the lack of a stamp.  Pulls for a look beneath the slide ... "Nothing.  We make these."

Formalda - "We make parts like these, but we did not make that spring in the magazine.  It's unreliable."

Man behind the desk - "Disposable."

Formalda - "And into the river it goes, just as soon as we're done here."

Man behind the desk - "One bullet fired.  Do I care ?"

Formalda - "Unlikely but if so it will be my own cross to bear."


Man behind the desk - Hands back the gun, "There was not a thing in the news of this.  Any of it.  As though it never even happened, these men, they never were.  It seems I've chose wisely."

Formalda - Reloads and takes the extra bullet from the desk, "I believe you have.  That makes this one special."  Inside pocket and turns away with a smile.  Water sploosh, airplane sound.

Credits through the departing plane, the churning of the world while across the fractal-like surface many smaller towers at their pivots and cities surrounding, arranging to the layout of the world, Gabrielle flies over the club as it settles quietly into place.

~ mid credits ~

Michael - Next to a man in the club while they watch some fucking guy talk to Nunya.  "Just look at those fuckin' boots.  You really hate that guy don't you."

Man - "Excuse me ?"

Michael - "I mean I get it ... look at her.  If I wasn't so in love myself right now I might hate that fucking guy too.  I see what you're thinking.  It's in your eyes.  You wish you could."


Michael - "I can."  Smiles, "Just so happens I do hate that guy, but for completely different reasons.  Problem is ... I don't kill for free."


Man - "Are you serious ?"

Michael - Turns back to the couple, "I mean look at that swarmy fuck the way he talks to her, think she's seeing through that ?  I don't know ... dames do get the beer goggles too you know ... "

Man - "Did you really just say the word 'dames' ?"

Michael - "Yeah ... thinking I'm looking at a guy about to get some, know what I mean ?"

Man - "Fuck that guy."  Turns away.


Michael - "So how much money you got ?"


~ in the bathroom some fucking guy primps in the mirror before his head breaks off the sink's edge.  Michael turns on the water.

Michael - Exiting, shouts to the tender.  "Hey some fucking guy slipped in the water and died in there.  And I still need to pee."

Bartender - " ... seriously ?"

Michael - A little sorry, "yeah ... "

Bartender - "God damn you Michael."

~ Later Michael sits at the bar with a drink watching the man talk to Nunya and looking good as the tender readies to close behind him, out the window the ambulance drives away, no lights.

Michael - Dopey smile and over the shoulder, "Love yeah ?  It's a beautiful thing."  Looks over to his lover clearing the table on a fool, she looks up and smiles back before the eight.

Bartender - "Go to hell."


~ X O ~


(credits continue)