Boss guy in the bank office circling, lights a smoke - "You're fired."

Pale suit -  At the desk and shocked in a suit notably cheaper of the same style, like another man entirely, "But ... "

Boss guy - Holding an envelope, "The police paid the office visit ... asked me to hand you this subpoena in the murder investigation of your predecessor, they don't know that part yet.  They don't know you're here.  

"They asked that I telephone them when I've handed this too you."  Crumples it.  "I'm going to tell them you disappeared.  That's your severance package."

Pale suit searches for something to say ...

Boss guy - "Look.  I heard what they said.  About what he did.  No one liked that fucking guy.  So.  You know.  Just ... disappear for a while, I only told them about your first and the second accounts to get them off my back about it, but I didn't bring up the go accounts.  Time to go."


Pale suit - "Thank you.  And goodbye, my last true friend."  Gets up for the door.

Boss guy - "They'll be waiting for you at your home ... you know.  I'm sorry.  Their case ... it sounds solid."


Pale suit - "You know ... I hate my fucking life.  I hate my fucking wife !  And I don't even think that's my kid.  But the asshole's gone now so ... thanks for everything.  Been a fucking hoot."

Turns and leaves, walks past between Formalda's and Nunya's desks.  The boss clears his throat from the door and gestures to speak with Formalda.

At the club ~

Nunya - "Holy fuck !  With another bonus !?"

Formalda - "That's my office now.  Guess who my new receptionist is."

Nunya - "Um.  I don't ... "

Formalda - "Too late !  I already did it."

Nunya - "You fucking bitch I swear to god.  Bonus ?"

Formalda - "Same as mine."


Nunya - "Okay."

Formalda - "Hey why are you here tonight, what happened to your ... 'mister tha one' ?"

Nunya - "Oh.  Well.  It's okay.  I made a cast of it.



~ Some guy's legs hang lifeless from the dumpster, Nunya trying to shove them in with the rest, to flight over a dated sports car driving away from the city.

The deep woods ahead before a flock of starlings rousing the crows from the trees as the car disappears into their overhang.  Getting blown by someone unknown but likely expensive as he drives, he notes the crows flying ahead.

~ Into his eyes where he recalls torturing the man strapped to the table, his screams and confessions, while elsewhere Nunya strangles the man she knew, riding him while he's helplessly manacled to the bed.

These scenes mixed with the drive, scene ending as Nunya sinks sharp teeth into his neck before the lights go out.

Mary - "So you lost him."

Cop in the office - "Yeah.  Look.  What are you getting from this ?  I mean I appreciate these tips.  They're solid.  They always are but you are a walking red flag and I need to know what your motivation here is."

Mary - "You could never possibly understand my motivations.  You wanna talk red flags let's talk about people who like being star cops so much he'll just walk right by all of them, bringing us right the fuck here.  That could be you or ... "

She looks around the desks ...

Mary - "How 'bout that guy over there ?"  (a bit of a cocky looker)

Cop - Looks to and back ... "I swear to god fuck that guy ... you really just picked the one mother ... okay.  I don't need to know what I don't need to know but you be careful okay ?"

Mary - "Why ?"

Cop - "Well.  I mean you got a kid coming ... you got a good life ... "

Mary stares.

Cop - "Okay."

Mary - Slides an envelope across, "I'm going to need you to look away a sec, when the time comes."  Gets up with the bit of difficulty watching him.

He opens the envelope, under the money, Polaroids of him with some woman ...

Cop - "Jesus fuck."  Looks up with threat in his eyes, "Didn't I just tell you to be careful ?"

Mary - "Keep looking."

He passes through the photos until getting to the ones of that other cop with a woman, he responds to it like it's his own wife bent over hard.

Cop - "GOD D ... "  

He looks to the other cop, laughing on his desk phone ... then back to Mary, she's gone.  The madness clicks in his eyes, the music back in as Nunya drinks from her lover's neck, pale suit getting blown in the car.

A cabin in the woods, inside the floorboards pulled and guns laying around the duffel bags.

The suit slams her against the wall from behind and works up her skirt, "Half of everything I've got left, for as long as you stay by my side."  

He pulls her hair back and slams a card on the wall while pushing in ... she grabs it.

Her - Stuttering pleasure and pain, "You know something Clyde ?  I think I might actually kinda like you."

Clyde - "That's not my real name."

Bonnie - "But mine really is Bonnie."

The cabin's flickering light as a vine grows near, too fast.  In the morning the car speeds away ~

Clyde - "Did you like being what you were ?"

Bonnie - "Am I anything different to you now ?"

Clyde - "Know how to shoot a gun ?"

Bonnie - "I do."

Clyde - "Wanna run away with me on an insane adventure that will either get us both killed or land us in a tropical paradise where millions are billions because you hated everything about what you were enough to wanna die anyway ?"


Clyde - "Goddamn made for each other."  Looks at her, smiles.  "And we're gonna make it too."

Bonnie - Tears, a smile back, "I believe you."

A knock on the apartment door, Nunya answers it.

Mary's cop - "Evening ... um.  I'm Officer Nickles and this is Dimes (polaroid cop).  So there was a body found in the dumpster ... in your building's alleyway so ... we gotta go around asking everyone if they saw anything ... heard anything ... "

Nunya - "Oh my god !  What happened !?"

Dimes - "Drained of his fucking blood is what happened.  Goddamn creepifying."

Nickles - Waves a low hand to quiet him, "Hey.  Just ... we don't know all the details yet ma'am, we just got the call."

Nunya - "Drained of his blood !?  Like a fucking vampire !?"

Dimes - "I swear to god two pricks on the fucking neck right there ..."

Nickels - "Come on now.  So did you ... like ... hear anything ?"

Nunya - "No ... !  Oh my god do you think he got killed right there under my window !?"

~ She flops him from the window into the dumpster, legs breaking on the side. "Fuck !"  Wide eyes and covers her mouth.

Nunya - "I didn't hear any shouting or screaming or anything !"

Dimes - "That'd be the crushed larynx."

Nickles - "Jesus Christ."

Dimes - "Just sayin' ... it's fucking creepifying.  Dude stuffed in there like a twisted up bed-sheet under a pile of fast food wrappers ... bled the fuck out.  Like a bed-sheet."

They stare at him.

Dimes - "It's just all kinds a wrong, know what I mean ?"  Looks at her and smiles ...

Nunya - "Wow.  You're a lot.  How about you give me your card in case I wanna remember something completely irrelevant some time.  I'm deeply concerned."

Mary - On the phone, "Now all you need to do, is look the other way."  Hangs up.  Looks down at her belly.  "Fucking spinach ice cream.  I swear to god."