~ two

Mary - "I'll go."

Michael - "No.

Mary - "Yes."

Michael - "No.  I've seen her trail.  Heads popped.  God there was still chalk from her last spree, no fucking heads.  And the few that did were all missing something elseArm. Leg. Fucking torso.  Little chalk drawings of arms and legs scattered where a man should be.  She gives no time of day to humans."

Mary - "Wanna fight ?"

Michael - "What ?"

Mary - Looks at Tzadkiel, "How about you ?"

Tzadkiel - "She carries a gun child and I see your heart.  Well guided, but you're not of her quality for murder."

Sam - "I guess that's what we're not seeing.  We are.    All of us are.  And you know ... she always kind of was too.  ParticularlyEspecially at the end ... we just didn't want to see it."

Tzadkiel - "In yourselves."

Sam - Turns to him with a long stare before holding up his glass, "Cheers to you brother."  You can see he means it even if he doesn't like it.

Tzadkiel - After a long stare back assessing, the glasses clink and drinks.  Sets it down with and exhale, "She comes with us."  Looks to Michael, "Or she'll be left home all alone."


Michael - Sigh of resignation ... "Fine."

Mary - "What !?"

Formalda - "I don't know.  He seems to have it all sorted out.  He's the 'all according to plan' type."

Nunya - "They all are."

Formalda - "Seriously ... didn't you say the loud guy from the bathroom was a regular here ?"

Nunya - "Yeah like all the time.  Not here now though."

Formalda - "What's wrong with him ?"

Nunya - "What do you mean ?"

Formalda - "I mean ... "

Nunya - "Oh !  God.  Total crook.  Did not want to bring him to my house, did not want to see his."

Mary at home - "Fucking assholes."

Formalda - "Hey I think I'm gonna take off, not really feeling it tonight.  At least not here."

Nunya - "Roger that.  This place sucks ass, I blame the old boots.  I think this guy may actually have been stalking me.  Not like outside the bedroom window style, but you know.  He's shown up before."

Formalda - "Instinct ?"

Nunya - "Mad crush."

Formalda - "And ?"

Nunya - "And that I may one day legitimately marry that cock."

Raphael - "So we agree.  How long's it been since that happened ?"

Michael - "We're not all here."


Tzadkiel - "It's time."


Michael - "I just want to talk to her.  Like he asked us to."

Sachiel - "She'll kill you Micheal."

Tzadkiel - "Then she kills us all."

Samael - "Then to us all."

They toast, drink and rise.

Creeping through the garden, she stops to check her pistol before breach loading the one from her pocket.  

Formalda - "Mistress Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow ?  Why with silver bells and cockle shells, I swear to God that's that's what this bitch is growing in her garden."

Formalda - Switches the comm watching Mary through the open window, "Subject in sight, remain in position, and do not advance until called.  If they come for me they hit you first and that's good for me but bad for you so you take care."

Voice back - "Usually the plan.  We're good here, team out."

~ A far neighbor's house with a silenced barrel though the blind, scoping the team shmucking around with their coffee.  "She's  checked in, sound it out."

A number of neighbors reply.

~ Formalda crawls through the window while the neighbor calls it in "3.  2.  1."

At the base of the tower the doors open for them.  As they enter, doors closing behind before closed, time stops.

('Little Fish' remix by Wax Audio)

Shots of Formalda frozen in time, a rage on her face, eyes squinted as though shooting blind.  Gun drawn and bullet stopped in the air (technically extremely slow).  

Mary circles her a bit then sits on the couch to resume her knitting, the sinking of slowed in responsiveness, her needles, seeming to tug against the motion.

~ Tzadkiel hobbles on his cane, grimly determined ... 

Mary goes about her day, a furrow brow at the bullet she yanks the fridge door open for food.

~ Tzadkiel sits exhausted on a bench feeding motionless pigeons ... crumbs on the ground, birds frozen in their small flock, he sighs.  Get up with a hard lean on the cane.

Mary looks at the clock as if it would help, a roll of the eyes and off to bed.  More as such through, it's taking a Really long time ... exploring the timeless world ... and also robbing a bank while Mary's bored as hell.

And Very suspicious of the bullet's motion.  At one point squinting with a ruler then annoyed, marking the floor beneath it, staring at it ... she eats sammich.

~ While Tzadkiel naps in a bush.

Song continues the credits through a frozen shot of Gabrielle descending the now hollow tower, closeups to the effects and details, the frozen angels preparing for a fight.

Last shot as it draws back to her descending over Anael looking down with his guns drawn ready for them.