F M K ~ kill

five years ago

Alley stands in her coat, gun pointed at her husband in bed with a young boy, she and the boy staring at the horror into each other's eyes.  A flash from her phone, buttons tapped ~

Alley - "Here's what we're going to do, 'my love'.  You're going to kill yourself.  Right now, you're going into the basement and twisting that very sheet to the rafters, you'll hang yourself, or you're going to jail.

"Where you will kill yourself.  I know you.  You're weak.  You'll neither bear the disgrace nor what the guards do to ... people like you."  The bitterest of smiles.

"So let's just skip ahead or we start at the knees and work our way up because I feel temporarily insane."

To the child - "Do you have anywhere to go ?"

The boy shakes his head slowly, terrified.

Alley - "Go to the kitchen to eat food while this man dies.  We'll find a place for you, I promise."  Tears, "Are you brave ?"

Slow to a nod.

Alley - Smiles, "I thought you were.  Me too.  Was I in time ?"

Slow tears to a nod.

Alley - Stares into tears.  "I'm so very glad.  Please go downstairs.  I have to go to work now."

~ in the pub ~

Mary - Stares at Alley after listening ... "Holy ... Fuck !"

Alley - Looks around at the people eating, "Mary ... "

~ kill ~

Alley - As the drinks are brought to their table, "Yeah it actually took a really long time."

Mary - "Heard that."  They clink their shots and drink the gin, slamming the glasses down to black. 

~ FMK ~

Credits to the churning city turning into a normal one with two realities clearly at play.  The armored soldiers operating from that twisting reality, normal populace from what we'd consider our own.

Symbols compile from the data in the rooms, gates are forged to cross as another populace bleeds through.

Mary - "So what happened to the little boy ?"

Alley - "Snuck 'im off to an orphanage under a fake name.  You know I almost adopted him myself ?  But ... the people I know.  I mean that's where he came from.  How the fucker got him."

Mary - "You mean the dead fucker ?"

Watching from a nearby table ~

Nunya - "So what do you think ?"

Formalda - "Potentially useful."

Alley - "Delivered like a goddamn pizza."

Mary - "What happens when the fucker's done ?"

Alley - "If the victim's still alive, they come pick them up to do it again and if not, they just come pick them up.  I don't know what he wanted to do I think it was a normal one."

Mary - "Normal."

Alley - A curt laugh, "Yeah."  Drinks.

Mary - "You do know how this ends."

Alley - "I think I know how you think it will.  But now that I know your kind is real I don't think you'd be alone there.  Hell I could see you there with them.  If you're as good as you think you are, they'd pay well you know."

Mary - "Is this a test ?"

Alley - Showing her drunk, "Sure.  It's a test.  I guess you passed ... would you ?"

Mary - "Would I what ?"

Alley - "Take the money ?"

Mary - "I take what I need as I need it."

Alley - "Sounds nice."

Mary - "It is."

A moment of their analysis of the other across the table.