~ two

The last explosion behind The Boy as he walks.  The fire focusing on the saucer's core has taken its toll.

The hunter's ship spins firing into the center's far edge from the Revenge missiles and boarding party as with their accelerator blows the Nibiri begin to rise ...

The wedge of the hunter's ship strikes the hull, the hunter rolls out drawing a pistol, a heavy sword on her back and she remains curled into altered gravity.

Armored in the bones of dead Nibiri and not much else but their skins required to hold them there. 

Their skull for a helm and another over the right shoulder, left plated over like it was waiting for another next to a long black braid of hair tied to the plates with wrap of skin.  
Where that bit of red in our bones and skin shows even after death, their has that shade of blue instead, almost glistening in flickering white lights.

The wide eyed sockets are set her goggles, thick sternum across the chest, held by the ribs attached in the back by the spine smoothed down to suit her own, all as though an exaggeration of her own form.

Arms under-plated and over, bladed at the elbow and legs set to lock at the knee in straight or right angles, like the arms at the elbows and the shoulders in blades, everything reinforced at its limits alone, and nothing else but skin.

One may swear amid the soundtrack they heard the beginning tones of a Mario game starting with a bounce, as she toes off a wall leaping through zero gravity, last of the looting party returning well laden.


The Revenge cuts loos its harpoons, sending the alien craft into the Martian high arcing down behind it for the finishing blows.  The shift in gravitation sends the alien crew to the walls as the nose dips in for a crash, some falling for death along crooked long hallways.
She's barely noticed until the bridge is reached, gravity normalizing by its own accelerator as the well decorated Captain backs for the opening door, unnoticed by his hard working crew.

If not recognized by the flags draped over his shoulder this is Apollo, the third and final permutation through these twisted timelines, slithering things these ruling gods be.


He bumps her and turns ... looking into his own skull.

She looks back with a cock of the head, draws the second pistol and executes the bridge crew around both sides of him in his horrified hesitation, then kicks him back.

Draws her sword two handed, bringing it down hard, oversized.  Its heft brings Apollo's gunblade high and cross-ways before a shot can be aimed. 

She kicks his chest again sending him into the room, slaps a charge on the door as it slides shut behind her while he takes the shot and blows it himself, missing her sideways flip to a carcass and steals its gunblade.

A hit to his shoulder wings his shot, leaving him ill prepared for the gunblade flying at his face and turning him.  A kick to the spine kneels him forward, he catches himself before falling.

She kicks the wrist holding it into contortion and loses its grip, falling him further into catching himself with the other hand. 


A knee to his spine putting him face down, she takes his gunblade and pounds the back of his head with the stock over and over until stunning him.


Pulls a combat knife and flips it, gouging into his shoulder socket while he screams, prying it out of place, beats him over the head again.

Then the other.

Pulls his head back into a choke-hold, cracking the spine with her knee, she pulls his face with shock in his eyes to stare at the viewscreen. 

The fire and sparks reflected in his closeup eyes twitching in shock as he fumbles his useless arms to protest his slow choking death through the credits, black with the sound of impact.