In the dark voiced over ~

The Maiden - (from the end of 'The Rough Storybook' and the beginning of 'Diver Deep the Second') "But there was a trial.  It was the twilight of the gods."

Mary - (From FMK function 3) "What happened to the little boy ?"

As The Boy walks from the Midwich Asylum as the slow coming explosions behind finally take him.

Over Mars in what appears a near future, the beginnings of settlements below.  On ground tall towers cycle wind in their horizontally spinning sail, as part of a possibly abandoned if not ill kept and automated terraforming operation occurs.

Strangely atmospheric for a place so abandoned, a pack of misbred dogs seems happy enough to survive on the rats that remain.  A curly haired mess of a thing once called a lapdog looks up with one kicking in its teeth at the flashes in the sky.

That telltale blotting of the stars in space passes over a view down to a large saucer, fitted with smaller detachables.  Top and bot side six each, as seen by their protrusive domes.

The technology seems a perfection from afar, but up close as it passes the heavy machine structures that show time and time again repair betray something not far from us.

Something which has not heard of home docking, for some time

The only evident weapons appear to be more concerned with ground assault, perhaps to hover over the land, guns intended to cover the dispatch of these smaller saucers for invasion scenarios.

And not so far from us, many weaknesses to less technologically reliant means of steals.  The black of space reaches over its hull, blotting a section like the stars, passing under it.

Comm sound - That voice from 'Kashikoi', "Alien craft.  This is the Tartari ship 'Revenge'.  Prepare."

~ P O V ~

The Revenge begins its barrage along the underside, working a cutting line to the central section, secondary fire targeting the saucers.  The alien craft responds with their heavy cannons, the misses many by the hits hurting, definitely made for air to ground.

~ While amid the convulsive hull, The Boy walks among the exploding city around him, wind blown but unfazed, clothes ashen, but untorn.

When Revenge is satisfied the underside saucers are inoperable it passes over high and works those already taking off, launching docking heavy harpoons to stabilize their guns.

~ Their saucers crashing down as the buildings fall, the military bombers flying over again to finish it.

The harpoon cables begin to reel in while through Revenge's decks the warriors prepare gunblades and gear for boarding.

~ As the boy leaves Midwich burning behind.

~ The Boy ~

Topside the alien craft opens its bays, with warriors of their own masked for ship to ship, the well known Nibiri, their saucers crashing behind, sparse but potent ship to ship cannons turning, far reaching gunblades standing staff-like along their particular height.

Point of note the graviton accelerators shown in view of the alien ship to steady walking Nibiri crew out to the bays, maintain a weak gravitation through the hull.

The Revenge bay doors respond, their warriors in wait, grinning and ready.  They leap across the span to the alien hull, firing ahead upon landing.  The Nibiri pour and The Boy goes walking from that burning town.

As an alien deck cannon turns, an unknown ship much like those of the Xinhua hunters streak over spinning in bombardment, turning another cannon ahead.  The Tartari push forth.

The Revenge continues pounding the core until tearing into decks and loosing alien bodies to the wake, still pulling itself closer by its harpoons. 

One tears from the saucer decks with a plate, replaced by three more.  The fire focusing on the saucer's core has taken its toll.

(directly to the next part)