
The producer and director around a pool table, bills on the side, the writer laughs maniacally from the room with grips for cash in his hands.

Alan Smithee

The producer - Chalking as the door slams, "So.  Is he like ... actually insane ?"

A (that guy) Production

The Director - Circling the table, "I've never had a clue what the fuck he was talking about."  Leans in for a shot, "I just make it look pretty." 

Directed by (that other guy)

Taking his time to line it up right ... he takes the shot.  

And a pool cue crashes through the moon ~

Shattering the it into three large pieces and a lot of dusty shards, slow tumbling for the Earth.  Where the tides feel it first like the storm inverting the calm.

The ships begin to depart, all over the world.  For what little we see of it, we've survived all our political drama, apparently building a paradise.  A shame really.

But at least there's a lot of space ships. 

Behind the tumbling stones and debris of when would appear a large asteroid, it's seen that many already flee.  It passes a space station fighting the gravitational turbulence on its stabilizers, a warship wrenching from it's dock. 

A slow turning wheel wrapped around a tall spire, top and bottom the same and dotted with array for communication, a balanced gyroscope where the hamsters are human on the wheel.  A science hub and nothing more.

The ships continue pouring from the land, three fires in the sky.  These cities are recognizable, not so far ahead, but the crashing traffic shows the age.  We'd just stepped out of the darkness, and only just made it to the stars.

Too late.

The tidal wave arcs high, as the people scream from their traffic jammed cars.

Too late.

As the lunar shards begin breaking apart like a hopeful fletchet loading dragonfire shells.  A man realizes this looking up, how hard it will hit as his hair begins to rise and blow a bit from the gravity and compression before that wave takes him from the side.

The stones strike, shattering the continents into the dawn of an asteroid's belt, the last of the survivors navigating the stones desperately to escape their cross collisions.


Streaking through the debris, spinning between the escapees, a vehicle shaped like a smooth seed.  The last population flees the clattering storm with it, some expensive and some poor.

Shards of continents crack with the last of their atmosphere carrying cries of humanly protest, Hollywood crashes in Vegas, the Statue of Liberty impales an oceanic vessel.

The survivors navigate through in hard acceleration, too many drawn into the wells and sent crashing to the forgotten place, crippled between stones.


The director grins behind the yellow ball ...

Producer - In terror, "No ... "

Director - Madness in his eyes, "Yesss ... " 

Producer - "Fuck ... both of you guys ... "  Throws down the stick and leaves.

~ Director takes the shot.

The space station jerks hard from the shift as the sun appears to implode in the distance, lashing flares appearing like dragons depart the nova wave erupting behind.

~ Has a bit too much fun with the rest of the table while the plants crash in their gravitational vortices.


The seed ship breaks way from the planetary shards, burst speed over the station and drops a beacon flashing before jumping to speed and then gone.

~ Xenofix ~

Because of course it happened on a Monday.  From inside docking tubes aboard the station as every kind of ship imaginable makes it's slow way in.  Behind, the asteroid belt grows while near station as a refrain, the beacon the seed ship left behind flashes.

While the warship, side lettering seen to say the 'Centaur', dispatches a shuttle in lieu of the torn docking clams seen beneath the letters. 

From a bay holding otherwise fighters, deck crew in non atmospheric suits bracing for decompression as the doors open, relaxes as it closes behind.

It leaves from the fore, as if designed to spray fighters into its path, and to keep a hollow bay forth to absorb heavy impacts without effecting the bridge above.  The aft a shell for crew between heavy gunwales beneath broad wings held forward to tear hulls if need be.

From peaked tail over engines, they wrap from the aft into peaked into spikes just beyond the fore, a bird pointing its wings over its head.  Cannons one may think made to destroy cities lay protected between them.

The shuttle, if not bomber to the lighter fighters in the bay, is of a similar design.  Like the fighters and Centaur, wrapped wings offering protection to the core and weaponry.

This also allows space between any concussive strikes and the core of the craft.  Heavy missiles to blow off parts distanced from what's important.  The shuttle joins the rest in the turning view of refugees docking.

Aboard the station ~

Captain - "It ... randomly went supernovaThat's what you're saying.  Randomly.  With no sign or warning whatsoever."

Science - "That ... would explain ... some of it.  A lot of it."

Captain - "So what wouldn't it explain."

Technology - "The progression of events.  Why the Earth blew before the Sun."

Captain - "Could the Earth exploding have caused it ?"

Science - "No."

Captain - "Are you sure ?"

Both - Annoyed, "Yes !"

Captain - "So what else you got ?"

Science - "Anti-time wave."

Captain - " 'Anti ... time'.  Okay.  So it's like 'dark matter'."

Technology - "It's nothing like dark matter."

Captain - "It's exactly like dark matter.  In that you just took something you don't understand and threw a name at it to make it seem comprehensible."

Science - "Okay yeah it's a lot like dark matter.  'Theoretical'.  Is what they call that.  'In science'.  Thank you.  And it's also the only possible explanation for the order of events.  And what it means is that the sun may be imploding."

Captain - "Imploding.  Like ... making a black hole."

Science - "Precisely.  Maybe.  When it does.  But ... that ... might generate an anti-time wave."

Technology - "Hawking."

Science - "Yeah like a Hawking wave."

Technology - "Has that even been named that yet ?"

Science - "No idea."

Captain - "Isn't there one in the center of the galaxy ?  Another black hole ?  Will they ... "

Technology - "In a worst case scenario, yes they will compete."

Captain - "That would ... "

Science - "Destroy the galaxy."
Captain - "Well.  That's ... what's the best case scenario then ?"
Technology  - "That they don't compete and it just destroys the solar system, killing us all before we can escape the blast wave."

Science - "Hawking wave."

Technology - "Yes the Hawking wave.  And even if we do, black hole.  There went all the solar power."
Captain - "So you're telling me that's it.  The planet.  Solar system.  And now maybe ... the entire galaxy." 

Science - "Yes sir !  Boom."
Technology - "Big."
Science - "Big-badda."

Technology - "Boom."

They giggle ...

Captain - "I'm sorry do you mind ?"
Technology - "Not at all because we're all going to die."
Science - "Likely start eating each other before the end."
Technology - "Mm-hm.  They always do.  The ones whjo survive the blast wave."

Science - "Hawking wave."

Technology - "Yeah that."

Captain - "Just ... how long do we have ?" 

Technology - "Couple of hours, maybe more."

~ The Producer on the telephone - "Jesus fuck."

Technology - "Hour and a half."

Science - Smiles handing him an envelope.  "And you."

Technology - "Have orders."


Captain - Takes the envelope.  "What ?"

In the engine room, the machinery begins shaking.  Crew looks to the core as it starts to clang like beating an oil drum.  A simple round tube with 12 smaller bricks held around it by mechanical arms suspended above.

The pipes clang like a heater coming on, a bolt unfortunately pops harmlessly, it concerns no one, a crewman notes on the data-pad it for later repair.  The room shakes hard to the side, the crewman catches himself.

They all look to the core as though they'd never seen it turn on, its cacophony of clanging and coughed up smoke amid the electrical discharges.  The mechanical hands let go of the bricks, allowing them to hover on their own as they start to orbit the central core.

A sound like a dragon as they lock into network with one another, as if each were propelling the next.  Steam pouring to cool, the evaporating moisture helping to contain the wild electricity lashing out.

The lightning goes mostly to the three rods surrounding it all, which in turn funnels it back into the device.  The mechanic puts a hand on the crewman's shoulder to calm him, a glance and a smile to the popped bolt.

"Yes sir."  And to it he goes.

It likes dirty electricity.  Electricity that's been through it.  Around the way and back again, the machine groans on. 

On the bridge the concerned crew as well, no one but the Captain and XO joining his side to watch the pretty lights, as the stars begin stretching.  And as if with a cannon shot through the fabric of the universe, they're gone.