~ five

In the hospital nearing dawn, the patients pour in, the patient drives the roads with flashes of another man watching her dance in the club.

View through the hospital halls, through to the back where children are being selected in the maternity ward.  Further still where they're plugged into tubes exchanging their blood, being replaced in the ward.

~ The patient drives, the man walks down the street loud on his phone mic, yelling like a madman with no phone in hand (you know the guy).

On the gurneys in the main the doctors strap down convulsing new arrivals, their throats torn out as one with a broken limb hanging suddenly snaps it back into place.

~ The calls to police busy the board.

As the clanging on the basement's vault door echoes, all falls silent, these new patient eyes becoming clear.  A bang again, they pull at their bonds shrieking.  Gurneys fall over as they twitch out of their bonds.  The crashing of the vault door's opening.

The beast looks into the basement nursery, those clear eyes of these baby's stare back in understanding.  He crushes the machine and they begin to crawl, asylum inmates reaching the main doors.

~ The men steps out to cross the street, the truck drives through and he's gone.

The police arrive to join the bloodbath, he turns back walking through the dark tunnels, closing the book again.  Overland the third spot of the diagram's inner triangle ahead, the city prison, the police all going the wrong way from it as he walks beneath their wailing cars.

~ The patient drives intently, the cat licking it's paw in the seat next to her, the man in the road still twitching, trying to turn his head to the fore but unable to scream.

Later at night in the truck's bed behind the seats she sits cross legged, cat-thing asleep while she cuts the man from the picture, the driver taken already removed.

~ In the day chasing down another driver fleeing mad.

Another getting cut from the picture, the car flips through the traffic guided by the truck's mad fender still carrying leftovers.  Two more left in the Polaroid on either side of her as she dances over them dancing on the stage. 

She tapes the sides shut (they were layered) and hangs it from a clip on the visor while the police are clearly busy with the turning populous.

A politician's eyebrow raises at footage of the beast, his army behind him.

Politician - "How many did we get ?"

Old Geneva - "Already shipped out, around forty soldiers who can comprehend an order.  Seven or eight who can truly exceed the human experience, a couple of potentially useful anomalies."

Politician - Staring into the footage at the militarized mob, "And these ?"

Old Geneva - "Unrecoverable.  The bulk of them.  Completely insane."

Politician - An uncomfortable laugh at the carnage's excessiveness, "Well.  Time to close the experiment then, don't you think ?  It's all been very expensive ...  "  Peering closer incredulously, " ... historically speaking.  Shame we couldn't get more ... "

Old Geneva - "Understood.  And agreed."

Politician - Another shocked short laugh at the footage, "On which part ?"  Smiles up and he's gone from the office.  "Creepy old ..."  A clip from a street cam of the guy suddenly getting hit by the truck.  Jolted, "Fuck !"

Puts down the pad and looks around the empty room like an audience of ghosts, he takes a drink.  "Hooo ... holy shit."

And on the streets the military presences is immediately noticeable.  Made to look like a National Guard reserve to the normal eye, but those who know will see the lack of specified markings, and know they have seen such people before. 

The moving mob still claws its way for the prison, the beast clawing his way out with more released.  The police in both cases put up their useless fights.

The reservists hold back, seeming more more interested in layered containment while charges are set on the bridge.

Soldier in charge at the bridge - (known to us as Capricorn's merc commander) "Does anyone expect those men on the other side to survive ?"

Geneva - "If they can exterminate the problem.  If not God help them.  We blow the bridge."


Soldier - (more of a mercenary really), "Bullshit.  You old spooks want to see how they do."

Geneva - "And you ?"  He hands him a pad.

Soldier - A laugh in despise, he takes it.  Working it, "So this is the new way is it.  We're all about to be outdated."

Geneva - "New way ?  Not at all.  This was how we won the revolution."

Soldier - "But you can't control them."

Geneva - "Attempting to was the new way.  That is the experiment which failed.  In the past they didn't bother trying."  With a despise of his own, "Front line fodder, from the days when armies still marched in lines."

Soldier - "Huh.  So do they know ?  The 'successes'.  Do they know what they are ?"

Geneva - Smiles turning away, "Do you ?"  Back turned walking, "If they cannot be contained, you can count those men dead or worse.  Some have the ability to turn others."

Soldier - A slow building laughter, "You are madmen !  Absolute madmen."  Turns with a smile and raises his binoculars to overlook the explosives set, "It will be done."