~ two

At a questionable party wearing suits you know they don't want to be in, standing around at the punch-bowl and watching the rest dance drunk.

Warden - "What if it didn't have anything to do with that ?"

Investigator - "What do you mean ?"  A dumb wave to a co-worker.

Warden - "I mean he was into a lot of shit.  Maybe it wasn't about silencing him at all.  I mean twhy did they give him so much time to talk ?"
Investigator - Watching some guy in a pale suit works the crowd through shaking hands, smiling too much, too happily sober among drunks. "You know I thought it might be someone trying to replace him.  Thinking he might get off."

Warden - "Or rule from your damn country club, I thought about that too but you know he was into a lot of pretty creepy shit.  Like ... 'magical powers'."  He nods to another bored attendee in an ill-fitted suit with an understanding smile and a roll of the eyes.

Investigator - "Yeah.  His 'special way' to the top, a couple of believers told me all about it.  They told me all kinds of fucked up shit.  Sacrifices, virgins ... pacts with specific demons ... the whole fucking farm you wished was even funny but ... Christ.  They shit they said ... "

Warden - "They dead now ?"

Investigator - "You know it."  Smiles and toasts another crowd between songs.  "Heart attacks.  Always the heart attacks.  All of them."

Warden - "See what I'm saying ?  I don't mean all that, I'm just saying that weird shit, brings unpredictable motives sometimes."

Investigator - "What I see you saying is that magical powers is your best excuse for what happened last night."

Warden - "Get any prints ?"

Investigator - "Of course not.  ...  A drink ... "And you know I think you might be right because there was this very unrelated case on the other side.  Out of my jurisdiction and to be honest they don't like me there.  But the weak ass and depleted version of a cold case file they handed me feels a little familiar."

Guard - "Feels."

Investigator - Last the plastic cup, "All I got.  You got something better ?"

Guard - "I just gave it to you !  Cheers."

Formalda at the office, ducking the roving boss looking to ask her to work late, she ducks and dodges to the lot, old engine sound accelerating hard.
At the nightclub ~

Nunya - "And that's it !?"

Formalda - "That's it !"

Nunya - "Well.  Kinda disappointed actually."

Formalda - "Yeah ... nice suit though."
Nunya - "Totally disappointed."
Formalda - "Yeah ... you know I'm gonna take off.  This club sux ass tonight and I don't want have to come back for the truck tomorrow.  You coming ?"
Nunya - "Could be ... check out that one."

Formalda - "He's wearing cowboy boots."

Nunya - "He rocks 'em.  See you tomorrow love."

Investigator - Hangs up his cell, "We ... just got a tip on the next hit.  Very reliable."
Warden - "What kind of tip ?"
Investigator - "It's another fallen."
('Glamorous Life' by Sheila E with Prince)
Formalda drives bopping here head side to side, listening to the radio and glancing around in her hover-truck through the traffic.  She absent minded notices the distant sirens ... 
A thump on the roof shocks her reality, the passenger door torn off, the assassin peers in angry, "Do you trust me ?"

Formalda - "I ... trust you with my life ?"

Assassin - "Good girl."  She points with her pistol, "So take me to work."  
She gestures to the tower, reaches in and shuts down the right side engines.  A blade through the panel to keep the switches where they are, slumps in flight to show the underside to approaching police fliers.

Formalda - "Fuck !"  Focus and acceleration.

The assassin holsters the pistol and pulls the .50 from her back, planting it on the car's side and opening fire while they respond the same, Formalda struggling with the sudden drop to the side.

Along the walkways the guards take notice from their stations, but seeming unprepared.  They file out and open fire while the fallen assassin fires down the row.

Assassin - "Turn !"

Formalda - "What !?"

Assassin "I said turn !  They're coming in from the other side !"

Formalda - "Fuck !"

The truck flips around a too well with a sweep across their horizon.  Another rocket's thump to the underside, the SAW drops.  Amid a drunken crowd it slams barrel deep into the sidewalk.

Assassin - "Fuck !"  Fires on a windshield with her pistol until it sways for the ground.

Formalda - "Sorry !  I actually know how to drive this thing !"

Assassin - Another down, "Useful."  Pulls the rocket launcher for the last of them.  "Pretty sure you're getting the day off tomorrow.  Try to stay out of the news."  Kisses her pistol before a leap off for the last flight and last few guards at the door.

Formalda - Climbs over watching her fly, then in the distance, more patrol lights.  "Oh fuck."

Camped out in their squad cars surrounding a quiet house in the suburbs.

Warden - "Nice tip."

Investigator - "Something's wrong.  This one never lets me down."

"You were my finest creation."

Assassin - "Past the tense ?"

"Once.  You made a mess on your way home again.  How many dead ?"

Assassin - Smiles, "Many."

"And your target ?"

Assassin - "Not just yet."  A shot.

Credits while Formalda smokes watches the space-truck burn deep in an alleyway shadowed over from all but its own burning light, while from the roof the assassin watches her.

Flicks the smoke to the fire and steps through a short alley nook into darkness.

~ after credits ~

Last of the cop-cars departing the quite suburb ...

Warden - " ... 'fallen angel' ... "  Looks away with annoyed laugh.  "No one's seen one of those in an age."
The panic call all on the radio calling in backup on a search for an unregistered hauler, occupant heavily armed and extremely dangerous.
Sighs ...

Investigator - "Fuck this joint."  Gears to hover and departs into the night.