~ two

~ mixed between the scenes ~

Bonnie - "You know Clyde ... it doesn't feel real.  How long do you think we have here ?"

Clyde - "A week.  Maybe two.  I'm sorry I wish we could stay here longer, forever.  I've got people here, after we leave a nice trail here, they'll let me know who picks it up."

Bonnie - ... "I have a really bad feeling."

Clyde - "Leave in the morning ?"

Bonnie - "Yeah."  Smiles, "But thanks for showing me this place.  I always wanted to see it.  I love you."

Clyde - "I love you too.  Tell you what.  Let's get the fuck out of here right now.  I trust you so now I've got that feeling too."

Bonnie - Smiles, "Let's go."

At the airport ~

Nickels - "Commissioner ?"

Commissioner - Glances at his ticket ... "Nickles ...it's ... "

Nickels - "Yeah it's her."

Commissioner - Slow nod ... "Let's do this.  And let's take mine.  It's quieter."

Nickels - "Yes sir."

~ The jet takes off and explodes 100 feet up.

Fade with the fire department, the news, Al-Qaeda takes blame for the crash, a commercial for Chandle-a-Burger, static out.

Bonnie changes the channel in the motel, watches Clyde pack, the knock on the door.  She gets up and looks to him concerned.  Across the room from the knocking, he moves in front of Bonnie ... "Who is it."

A light beeping sound, Bonnie breaks his neck before the door blows, holding him as a shield.  Seeing Mary through the dust, she charges with a roar.  Screams and then silence to black.


Mary stares up breathing hard, neck bleeding, Bonnie pulls out her phone.

Bonnie - Stares back down.  "We did it.  A fucking hybrid.  ...  Yes.  ...  I know.  ...  Thank you.  ...  Goodbye."  Hangs up.

Bonnie - To Mary, honest.  "For what it's worth ... I really am sorry.  There was just no other way.  It was never personal."  Looks at Clyde ... "Love yeah ?"  Looks back to her with tears streaming, "It's a beautiful thing !"

Blows off her own head with a double barreled sawed off, big enough to do it completely.


Statics out to credits.


~ after credits ~

Sachiel lands hard in the farm before the pen.  Looks down at the happy pigs working a leg bone over here, a shouldered arm over there ... "Hey there ... you fat fucks."  Smiles, "Miss me ?"

~ ! Happy squeals ...

Wings wrapping to clothe, feathers differentiating to fabrics until as he is, he looks to the farmhouse, Isabel standing at the door waiting.

Sam opens the shop, Tzadkiel digs the grave.  Anael walks explores the new workshop, Raphael unlocks the coffee shop doors.  Cleans the counters and powers the machines, the bell over the door rings ~
Gabrielle - "Really ?  Coffee."
Raphael - "I like coffee."
Gabrielle - "Me too.  On the house ?"
Raphael - "Absolutely."
~ the steam ...
Raphael - "So."
Gabrielle - "Yeah ... "
Raphael - "I'm sorry."
Gabrielle - Smiles already knowing, "Why ?"  Sips.

They clash blades at the tower's peak.

Raphael - "You've turned.  I can't let you do this.  Not for him."
Gabrielle - "It isn't for him it's for me.  I want this.  RebirthDefend yourself."  She swings forth hard.

At their strike Clyde' opens his eyes, over praying fists of fingers at his desk in the other world.  He looks around at the office, "I'm back."

Raphael - "For carrying the emotional weight of what you made me do."  Sips.

Gabrielle - Stops smiling and puts the cup down.  "Right.  I'm sorry."


Raphael - "Any details you'd like to fill in ?"

Gabrielle - "Nope."

Raphael - "And the Mary ?"

Gabrielle - "Which one ?"

Clyde - A low building to to wild laughter mixing with the raising sound of the arena, echoing back as a horror bell to the creation, "I'm BAAAAAACK !"