F M K ~ fuck

Inside an unknown home, a glow unseen in the center of the living room floor, reaching out in sparks around the room as a scan while the residents go about their day.

Bits of ink from nearby books and object decoration begin piling until a seal is created on the floor from which a creature is summoned, invisible to the rest.

Black armored and smooth faced, it walks amid their normal routines until its readout marks a target, he raises his gun and fires into his forehead.  

A small bio-mechanical unknown bores into the man's brain, he grabs his head in response to what he thinks he does not know, before shaking it off and resuming his works.

A laugh from behind the mask as it returns to the sparking core and gone with a flash, the seal's glow fading out to black.  Voiced over, Mary's voice ~

"I remember when I first came out to my parents."

She launches across the room at a fat dad's back with a vampire's hissing fangs growing in.  She latches on with extending claws and tears out a chunk of throat from the side

He falls forward bleeding out.  She flips him over.  

Mary but clearly a different Mary - "And also !  I'm a lesbian ... "  She cracks him across the jaw.

Mom - Shocked in the living room entrance, "Oh ...my ... God ... "

Mary gets off him to face her in a rage and ready.

Mom - "You're a what !?

She roars as her mom-fangs spread.

VO - "This was supposed be easy.  Parents have whole other lives, it's disturbing."

She launches for her mother, her mother swats her across the room, destroying the bookshelf (insert fun time choosing the titles falling on top of her).

Mom - "So who was it what turned you ?  Little whore.  Was it your little slut girlfriend you're always off to the mall with ?  She got teeth ?  She's next."


Mary - "Mmmm ... we broke up last week, I hate her.  It's like you know nothing about me.  Prepare to die."  Grabs the lamp impaling her.

VO - "Electrocution ?"

Mom finished, she drops to her knees.  Behind her dad rising slowly.  

Dad - "We wanted to keep you safe from it, safe from us.  That's why we know, more than anyone else, that the only true road to salvation is ... "  

Fist through his head.

Mary - "Nothing can change what you've done."  She turns, her mom's hand reaching out ... 

Mom - "We love you deary ... "

Mary - Grossly horrified, "Oh God.  I know nothing !  Why Won't You Die !"

Late night outside the home, the sound of hammering within ...

Stakes through their chests and into the floor, they still squirm ...

The breaking of glass and the light of fire from the windows outside, inside she watches them burn ... "There we go.  That's called 'etymology'.  'Vam' 'pyre'.  It meant you've got to burn the witch."

She puts out her cindering sleeve, grabs her bag and gone.  

Walking down the streets (because suburbs have no sidewalks, what the fuck) and away in the night, "I can't believe they hid that from me.  I always thought they were just cannibals."

She sits at a dinner table much younger ~

Mom - "Now eat !  Your !  DINNER !!!"

Mary - Eyes closed to the steak and potatoes and kicking in her chair, "! NOOOOO ... "

~ F M K ~

The suburban road over time until the city, still walking ~ She watches a very pale fashion goth walk by under her parasol, sideways smiles ... (0:18).

~ fuck ~

Newspaper rolls while she walks down the middle of the fucking street because suburbs have no sidewalks (WTF !?) ~

'Suicide Cult Suffers Animal Attack !  (Everyone Dead)'

From a rooftop she spots a man taking a purse from a lady with much yelling between.  He slaps he hard, Mary leaps from the roof.

'Blood Everywhere !'

She lands and puts her hand through his chest.  She looks to the lady with a smile and pulls the heart out beating.  The woman stares ... then bloodcurdling scream.

'Cannibal Devours Entire Harper Valley PTA !'

The man's head is kicked off into the brick wall with a splat.

'Sickening Display !'

She jumps up and down on his chest until it caves.

'Self Described Local Vampire Attacks Church to See if She Could !  (Blood Everywhere)'

Exhausted, she looks at the lady sizing her up and lights a smoke.  The lady stares ... the words glide across across Mary's face ~

everyone dead

Mary exhales and hands her the smoke.

Alley - Takes the smoke thoughtlessly and inhales it like a drug, "He ... was my fiance."

Mary - Pulls a bottle from the satchel, "Well if you can't see what a douche-bag he was you're indoctrinated.  I was hunting him for reasons.  Wanna check his phone before I burn the body ?"  

Drinks deep and passes, refused, drinks again watching her.


Alley - "Burn it."

Mary - "And done is done."  Stuffs the hankie and lights, tosses the cocktail.

They watch the fire ...

Alley - "Will you take me ?"

Mary - Looks at her, looks her over with a smile.  "You mean like start a little family ?  Another and another while you do the same ?  We could take the city together.  We could have it all.  We could have the world.  I can have you every single night."

Alley - Tears watching the fire she whispers, "yes".

Mary kisses her hard, then whispers into her ear, "no".  Kisses her again lightly, "You're just bored."  Steps back, "And possibly post traumatic.  Stay beautiful." 

Smiles and turns away.  The lady smokes watching it burn ... in the dawn the police cordon the crime scene.

Miss Parasol screams through her fangs in bed before a whimper staring at the ceiling.  The sound of a Zippo, she's handed a cigarette and takes it.

Smoking ...

She watches Mary get up, robe and head for the kitchen, then dumping ingredients.


Parasol - "Are you making fucking breakfast !?"

Mary - "Yep !  And I'm a great cook too you're gonna come again."  Digging through spices ...


Parasol - "Why did you choose me ?  Usually we prey on the weaker for quickies."

Mary - "Fucking gorgeous."

Parasol - "And ?"

Mary - "And I'm not a particularly available person emotionally.  Horrible scars,  abandonment issues, trust issues, vaguely cruel issues, I think having mother issues and father issues is like having no issues at all !  It's all about balance really, do you eat eggs ?  I actually like eggs."

Parasol - Sizing her over ... "I think I want you to love me."

Mary - "Will you still be here when I get back ?"

Parasol - "Got any channels ?"

~ A shitty old TV lands hard on the new table at the foot of the bed, eggs on a lap-tray and a big dish of weed, she curls next to Parasol.

Mary - "Okay.  So I gotta go kill some people, for money.  Gotta pay the bills somehow with you laying around all day smoking mah weed and watchin' them channels ... "  

Starts getting dressed (as close to 'action hero' as someone could get away with as being 'normal' in goth world terms, which is actually a lot and also pants).

Mary - "Hey if you don't wanna go out to feed just eat more eggs.  That actually works !  They're fetuses.  The whole thing is actually one cell did you know that ?"

Parasol - "I did know that."

Mary - "Well I didn't.  Got the channels you need ?"

Parasol - Playing with the remote, "I do."

Mary - "Got enough weed ?"

Parasol - "I do."

Mary - "Got ... "

Parasol - "I do."


Mary - "I'll be home before dark.  When the craving hits you can have me instead.  I want ... "  Turns for the door.

Parasol - "Love ?"


Mary - "There's an old Gamebrick in the closet on top of the gunsafe." ... leaves.

Parasol's eyes go wide and drift to the closet.