The Bus Driver carries Pipsiveya on his shoulders through the marketplace, a gust of beach sand taking them, trying to see, nothing but the sound of motorcycles.

In the center of the field, The Boy takes a piece.

The Boy - "Check."

nameless - "So soon ... "  He moves a piece, "And so easily defended.  You play as though you've got something to prove."

The Boy - "I've got nothing to prove to you.  Just killing time."

nameless - A laugh, he takes a piece.  "You've almost learned a sense of humor ... "

The Boy glares.

~ P O V ~

Nocturne curls up in bed next to Doe and fades into the dream.  Mishil drops the sword flails open and ready for the beasts ahead, Mariposa snaps a broom.

Overhead the Nautilus passes as from The Clockwork Song, a gust of wind and Apex (helmet off) talks Nemesis in a growing windstorm, the sand forming an uncountably large army into regiment.

But when the Decibel enters it does not wait, immediately opening fire against the oncoming mass.  

A biosphere growing of lost worlds, one can see the similarities, perhaps where we shared a few genes on a comet somewhere, and you can see the self same notions of religious thought.

As foreign as these dead gods may be, one can easily recognize a god's pompous stature.  The instantaneous expectation to be revered if not feared, even as they forget who they are.

Large and small, beastly and hominid, some riding abominations, some formless and forgot so far, they are as the Bosch.  Abstracts of forgotten symbols set in the history of a world forgot, geometric chimera.

All very specific, all very certain.

But to us very foreign.  The trees that grow are more aggressively vine-like, their roots angry as if a blackberry bush could be any worse.  These are the roots and Vines that take Midwich in Hell.

While over the growing armies of Sanctuary the towers spin their protrusions overhead, a city growing for encampment to so many.  The Decibel overhead under heavy fire, ports out then back in, between the high towers for cover.

In the center of the field ~

The Boy - Takes a piece, "Check."  Looks up like a little evil so pleased with himself, very certain of the outcome as his world grows behind him.

In space, a near distance from Earth, a black hole takes a portion of the asteroid belt on entry, while exhaling gasses as though only to be heard, the K'Terlu roars struggling it's way out, the last of the debris of the worlds, cleaned off.

He glistens a bit, seems quite pleased.  Vaguely adorable like a world destroying cat.  Shakes it off and curls around stretching, then looks to the earth. 

Exhales to carry the deep groaning sound as though a warning, then expels gasses from tentacles to propel.

Over their game the Decibel trades fire with a K'Terlu whelp, still winged.  As they grow they fill through their wings until large enough to take planets whole, wings no longer required.

But as whelps ... suffice to say 'space dragon'.  They feed on asteroid minerals, occasionally planetoids where atmosphere and gravity exists.  In point of fact Nibiru itself is the carcass of one just before filling out, the long tail curled around for the docking ring.

Killed by Cronus, who fed with his armies there while establishing control here.  Cronus was then killed by Zeus (EBE of Gaslight), who was killed by by Athena (Nocturne).

Who in killing all permutations of Apollo effectively ended the Graeco-Roman ruling line of deities.  

Anyway that particular whelp which scuttles with the Decibel is much smaller, nearly the same size.  Crossfire is exchanged, Decibel ports out and back in, splatting it across the field.

The animals look to nameless in concern as the Decibel flies over, followed by heavy ground fire.

The Boy - In disgust, "Are they yours ?"

nameless - "Nobody's mine.  We all just kinda ... do what we want."  He takes a piece.


The Boy - "How did I not see that.  That was obvious."  Looks at him in near terror.  "You ... "  He looks around as a spire passed over.  "This is Hell."

nameless - Stares a sec ... the patient crashes through a line of alien gods in her truck with a blow of the horn behind him.  "Grow the hell up."  Moves a piece.

Mars - Standing before a warrior, likely a god, large and well decorated.  "We don't need to do this.  I can see you were revered.  That tells me you were honored."

Evil - Leaps from the line screeching, "Where ... is the Nocturnal O ... "

Nocturne - Catches here by the face, "Here I am."  (Diver Deep backs slowly back into the mist ... )  Nocturne pulls the gunblade around by its shoulder strap and shoots her though the neck.

Looks at the face, the eyes are crossed to see her fingers so close, "She burst out laughing.  Mars and alien stare ...

Nocturne - "Hey did you know a head lives like thirty seconds without the body ?"  Throws it high over the field, "Wheeeeeee !"

As the sound fades to the distance, the head flies over and straightens its eyes.

Alien God - "Well.  Here's the thing."  Pulls a bladder flask of God knows what, made from God knows what, drinks and passes it to Mars.  Grins as Mars drinks.

Mars - Eyes go wide with a swirl ... pulls a skin of his one, a drink to chase it and passes."

Alien God - A swoon as he drinks, "Mm-hm."  Pulls off his armor and drops his weapons, a circle growing around.  "Now, I'm just curious."  Flexes and dances for a match.

Mars - Takes another drink and drops armor, "Well alright then."